History Behind Israel and Palestine War

Although the middle-east crisis may be the hardest to solve, it is one of the easiest to explain. "ONE SIDE WANTS THE OTHER DEAD". Israel wants to exist as a Jewish state and exist in peace. Israel also recognizes the right of the Palestinians to have their own state and leave in peace. The problem is that most Palestinians and many other Muslims and Arab do not recognize the right of the Jewish state of Israel to exist. This is true since 1947 when the United Nations decided to divide the land into a Jewish state and an Arab state. Israel accepted the UN directive, but no other Muslim or Arab nation accepted it. When the British rule ended in 1948, the armies of all the other neighboring nations like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt attacked the "one day" state of Israel in order to destroy it. But the Jewish state survived. Then it happened again in 1968 when the dictator of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser announced his plans which to be put in his words as "To Destroy Israel." He put his armies around Israel's borders and so did the other Arab nations which mobilized their armies to attack Israel. Israel attacked Egypt and Syria but not Jordan and begged the Jordan king to not go to war. But Jordan did. Israel then took control of the Jordanian land, specifically the west bank of the Jordan river.
 At a summit in Sudan, the Arab nations declared the three NOs. 

 NO Recognition
 NO Negotiations
 NO Peace 

 But in 1978, Israel gave back the land of the peninsula (which was bigger than Israel it self) with much oil rigs to Egypt and in return Egypt signed the peace agreement. So, Israel gave land with the promise of peace with Egypt and it has been always willing to do the same with the Palestinians ever since. All the Palestinians had to do was recognize Israel as a Jewish state and promise to live in peace with it. In 2000, Israel proposed to give 95% of the land of the west bank and all of Gaza to the Palestinians. However, the Palestinian leadership not only rejected the proposal but sent suicide bombers in Israel to disrupt peace.

 Palestinian radio, television and school curriculum remains filled with glorification of terrorists, demonization of the Jews and daily  repeated messages that Israel should cease to exist. The model of Hamas, the elected party in Palestine in Gaza is "We love death as much as Jews love life." There are 22 Arab/Muslim states stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and Israel is sandwiched between them whose size is not bigger than New Jersey.

 If tomorrow Israel laid down its arms and said that they would fight no more, it would be devoured by the surrounding Arab nations and mass murders of the Jewish population. However, on the contrary if the surrounding Arab nations laid down their arms and said that they would fight no more, it would result in nothing but PEACE. 

 It's not hard to explain the dispute. ONE SIDE WANTS THE OTHER DEAD.


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