' Black Fungus ' DECODED !!

Health Officials in India are warning of a burst in cases of mucormycosis, a rare, lethal fungal infection in COVID 19 patients

Source: livemint.com

This fervid image is showing the doctors doing treatment of the COVID 19 patients those who are critically suffering from the life-threatning fungal infection.

What is mucormycosis?

It is a very rare infection which is caused by revelation to mucor moulds which is usually found throughout the environment. Mucormycosis is also known as Black fungus. It mainly affects people who have health issues or take medicines that lower the body's immunity.

Nowadays, Black fungus is infecting COVID 19 patients on a rapid scale . Its basically triggered by coronavirus and can affect the areas through which we inhale oxygen - nose , lungs or sinus. It can also causes eye and brain damage.

Source: zeebiz.com

Most common symptom of 'Black Fungus ' is headache and fever.

Black fungus mostly affect immunal compromised patients like those who are mainly suffering from diabeties, cancer and sometimes from other menacing disease such as kidney infection.


According to doctors infection should be suspected when there is:

* Nasal blockage or congestion, nasal discharge( blackish / bloody )
* Blurred or double vision with pain.
* Thrombosis ( lump of thick blood ).
* Numbness or swelling on any side of the face.
* Chest pain and ache in cheekbone.

This disease causes severe damage in the corresponding areas of the body due to which doctors are left with no choices." I will remove her eye to save her life. That's how this disease works."
The statement is claimed by Dr. Akshay Nair, a Mumbai-based eye surgeon while operating a 25-year old woman who had just recovered from COVID 19.

Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com

What causes 'Black Fungus' appearing in people with COVID 19: The doctor has explained to media that they believe that steroids, a treatment that has been shown to be effective in COVID 19 may play a major role in increasing infection. While steroids reduce inflammation and prevent lung damage in those with COVID 19, they also suppress the immune system.                

Diabetics suffering from COVID 19 who are being given steroids have a high chance of being affected by mucormycosis.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi reported 20 cases of ' Black Fungus ' on a daily basis.

The health minister of Maharashtra said 1,500 cases of black fungus had been reported in the state, which is the second- most populas in the country after Uttar Pradesh , BBC news reported. Similarly, Gujarat state officials said nearly 900 cases had been reported in the past month.

"Cases of mucormycosis began being reported two months ago and states like Gujarat and Maharashtra have, so far, reported more than 1800 cases. Now Delhi is also reporting a high number of cases and a maximum of those are the ones taken high doses of steroids or are diabetic."

This is claimed by Dr. MV Padma Srivastava , Head, Department of Neurology, AIIMS

Source: news18.com

This image describes the discouraging situation of hospitals in our country. Some cases of 'Black Fungus ' has also been reported due to unhygienic conditions of oxygen masks used by patients.

What precautions should be taken?

Anti-fungal drug Ampho-B which is commonly used for the treatment of this infection is on high demands due to rise in cases which leads to shoratge of Ampho-B to trek Black Fungus.

* Control hyperglycemia.
* Check blood glucose level post-COVID 19 discharge and also in diabetics.
* Use steroid sensibly.
* Use clean, sterile water for humidifers during oxygen therapyes.
* Use antibiotics, antifungals judiciously.
* Do not miss any sign and symtoms.
* Do not consider all the cases with blocked nose as cases of bacterial sinusitics.

Source: bloomberg.com

Do not lose your crucial time to initiate treatment for mucormycosis. 

We will take more about this and other concerning matters in our upcoming articles.


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