SO What Do You Know About Your Consciousness?


Primarily consciousness is our awareness for our environment and ourselves. American Philosopher and psychologist William James thought of consciousness as a continuously moving, shifting and unbroken stream and termed in "Stream of Consciousness" . It is special because it allows not only for the transmission of information but also and above all for the production of information.

The conscious experience is forever shifting.                                                                       



Hence, we can say that consciousness is the most familiar and the most mysterious parts of our lives.

States of consciousness includes waking, sleeping and other altered states between them like dreaming, drugs induced hallucinations etc. Clinical observations as field of cognitive neuroscience is the study of how brain activitie linked to or mental processes like thinking, memory, perceptions etc. also play a vital role in psychological observations. In psychology a dual process theory provides an account of how thoughts can arise in to different ways or a result of two different processes. It is the principal that information is simultaniously processesd on seperate consciousness and non-consciousness tracks.

              "Dual process theory says that humans have two

systems for thinking. System 1 is unconscious, quick, makes use 

of shortcuts is a bit sloppy but it relied upon most of the time.

     System 2 is more intentional, calculated and often more

             accurate, but it  takes efforts and its slow.           



All our senses are sccoping up nearly 11 million bits of information every second. However we consciously registered about 40-50 bits. Here selective attention comes into play. It is a focusing of consciousness awareness on a particular stimuli. Consciousness is like a spotlight on a busy stage. Like while you are reading this article you may not noticed that you have a tongue in your mouth but as soon as it mentioned your thoughts get focused on that like( " Ah, I do have a tongue in my mouth but it didn't feel like":)) The selective attention can also be tested by the invisible gorilla experiment online. We will continue our journey of playing psychology of mind in the upcoming posts...

And always remember:

"Acts as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James


As COVID is increasing, we want nothing more than our world to be safe and sound.

We will further talk about this in our upcoming blogs. Thank you readers for giving us our time.


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