The continuous war for the Gaza Strip?

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has now entered the second week without a pause. This conflict is taking a bigger toll on the world and it is a arising matter If concern for the people of both the countries. 

The Gaza Strip is the reason of conflict between both the countries. A piece of land that is now taking the lives of people.


The image is showing the heart wrenching events which took place due to the conflict between the two countries. People are suffering and are crumbled due to the missiles fired.

As the conflict is increasing day by day and both the countries are refusing to back down. Palestine and Israel are tearing each others hairs. As a result the missiles and rockets are the answers which are given by the countries to show that the do not plan to step back. This calls for the declaration of a war.

Palestine is fighting with its full force stating that : "It is easier to fire missiles at Israel than drinking water for us."
The statement was said by the members of Hamsa themselves.


People of Palestine are protesting crimes committed by Israel asking for justice.

The conflict gets out of hand when civilians started dying due to the missiles including children. As a result sixty children were reported dead. Women and men are also dying and families are being torn apart showing the result of the war.

Ten civilians are also recorded dead in Israel including the police officers. The internal conflict is also taking a toll on Israel. The mourns of the people are going unnoticed by the countries.


Image of the building destroyed by the Israeli missile stating that it belonged to Hamsa.

The destruction of the building caused the havoc in Palestine resulting in the deaths of the civilians. The medical facilities present there are doing their best to help people although it is clearly not enough.
We will take more about this and other concerning matters in our upcoming articles.


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