Corona: The new delta varient

The new varient of Corona is found in India. This varient is formally known as Delta Varient, a more dangerous form of corona virus is yelling to end the humanity. Yes, the new varient is now targetting the children as well as it's in it's new form. It creates more tension as the vaccine for children is no where to be found. The matter is becomeing more of a nightmare than a virus. Some people are taking it lightly as they are fed up from the virus are not following the protocols seriously.
This people is a great matter of concern, as it is spreading with a increasing speed day by day.It adds fuel to the fire as the scientist are saying that it can avoid the antibodies of the vaccination present. Delta seems to be around 60% more transmissible than the already highly infectious Alpha varient. Also it is more attracted to the population which have only the single dose of the vaccination. It is the fastest and the fittest varient of the corona according to WHO.


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