People don't want Jeff Bezos, the billionare CEO to return to earth

it is really amazing that jeff bezos decided to take a big step for his dreams and declared that he will go to space. he really was proud when he said that statement but it is a really big challenge for the space companies involed in this mission. he will be travelling with the first crewed rocket New Shepherd, but his company Blue Origins. all other things are really awesome but the matter of concern is realated to social media while many people are happy for him and want him to pursue his dreams, there is also a large number of population in America is also there who supports his desicion to go to space but doesn't want him to return.
Shocking! I know, at first people took it as a joke of the public but more and more people are joining the petitions in the favor of the desicion to leave Jeff Bezos in space. The numbers are increasing with Seventy five thousand and more. Well this is what a lot of people want but still we wish Mr. Bezos and his crew and good luck for the safe trip.:)


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