How to make Friends with introverts?

Being an introvert is not easy at all. You got the people trying to talk to you, then you got some that think that you are mean and then you got some that thinks that introvert means bookworm. Everyone has their meanings of introvert but I guess this might not be so shocking if I tell you that introverts are really not like that. And how do I know that? Well, as a person who is best friends with the introvert myself I am telling you this. Introverts are also humans not some aliens that some people think they are, however these humans are not very good with people not because they have some tragic past or a mission to complete but because they are sometimes not confident enough. You know how to make friends with introverts? Some people might give the idea- well duh! go and talk bitch. Ahem! ofcourse, that is an essential part of the conversation but other than that waht are the crucial steps that should be take to gain their trust. Well let's get started on our misson : How to make friends with introvets? (Set sunglasses in anime style) Crucial Step no.1: Talk but not too much -- Yes, you heard me right or more precisely read it correct. As always trying to find the topic of interest is the most important and difficult thing if you want to attarct a person. It's not easy and more difficult with introverts as they demand personal space and alone time. Sure go to them talk about the things you like and ask them what they are interested. Don't get too exicited and talking about yourself, this makes them feel inferior to you and might lead to cracks in the wall. st
art So try to have small conversations for like two to five minutes is enough where you can catch their topic of interest and give them some idea about your personality as well. So that they can think about you and if they want to your friend. You can tell many things about yourself just by your actions and let me tell you that is really everything for first attempt. Just try to tell them your comfort colour and the games you are into and please do me a fovour and don't use chessy pickup lines. They really mess up the game.
Crucial Step no.2 : Try to make friends with their friends(If they have any "cough,cough") -- As you know, trust is a very important thing and you should definetly have the tricks to grasp that thingy in your fist. So try to be their friend's friend and if that is to much for you then at least try to be on their good side because that leaves a good impression on you. For some people it doesn't matter if you are really their friend's friend. If they like you they will be friends with you no matter what their friends thinks but this isn't the same with our introverts, they sometimes overthink and that leads to them being with less or no friend at all, which is really sad (cries in Gucci). So if they have any friends that means that they really trust and love them which gives you a great opportunity for you to create a space for yourself in their friendcircle. This way they look at you under a positive light which is great as they think about you in a healthy way and will try to talk to you even just for a little bit, it will be a great achievement. Try to keep one thing in mind, don't do anything that will make them think that you are trying to snacth their friend from them. Crucial Step no.3 : Make a song playlist ( This is the most important) -- Try to share a playlists of your with them, this makes them realize that they are also someone important to you and they hold a place in your heart. You can share any song of your playlists as intoverts also like different types of song because they also like to dance in private while admiring themselves in mirror (not me catching my introvert friend dancing in front of the mirror). So just share it damn it! and it's up to them if they want to listen to that song or not. Another thing is that thier is the possibility that they will also there songs with you. SO GUYS THIS WAS IT! SO TELL ME IF YOU WERE SUCCESFUL. OK!!!!!


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