Is Apple failing it's art of innovation?

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of innovation is definetely Apple. Since the launch of it's first iPhone, Apple owned the word innovate. Working on every field that goes unoticed by some of the companies and introducing it in front of people is one of the salient features of Apple. From working on it's software to hardware and even the small details important for the camera to take the picture quality on another level, Apple gave it's best. Let's study a little more about Apple. It was founded in April 1976 just like any other company in a garage by three friends which wee Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Founding a company related to technology was ofcourse not easy but that never decides the end. Due to it's awesome products and amazing marketing the company stands on another level today. In the present market there are not many companies standing to compete from Apple. Innovating and launching new ideas and products was not a piece of cake. Steve Jobs asked for the thinks from his team that seemed nearly immposibble but maybe that was that pushed him to take the risks and find something new or make something more magical in the field of technology. Through many hardships Apple gained it's name but the dreams came crashing down when Mr. Steve Jobs died in 2011. I really think that you can't feel someone's dream unless you make it yours. Steve's dream came fell down with him, he was the person who was always curious to find what is behind the door. He asked the question, why not? and maybe somewhere it really inspired people to think like him and they did!! His death affected the company in the worst way possible and no, it was not financial problem. No, it was going fine and neither did it affected the mangaement pillar. Then what was missing, yes you guessed it right it lost it game. It's innovation. It's not like there are not many people left who can think like Mr. Jobs, I think that there are better but just that not in Apple.It is sad to think that the only eyecatching think apple launched was Apple watch which was not something people were expecting. Apple launching a product realated to fitness was not something we were used to but either way we were expecting for something more which never came. But still after so many ups and downs Apple didn't let it's image fall and continued it's mass production by launching the new versions of the iPhone which focused more on it's cameras and software features which I rally admire but there was not much change in the design of the new smartphones. It was a hufe dissapointment for the techgeeks. The comapny which always ran after something new suddenly stopped it's main purpose and that is the reason now people are raising question regarding this issue. - What happened to the innovation? - Did Apple lose it's way to innovation? - What is Apple going to do next? It is little heartbreaking to see Apple lose it's original tag, as a member of the family in which every single member is a techfreak, I myself also have interest in the field and seeing the company which I looked upto is questioned for it's potential is not a very appetiazing site. I also want your thoughts on this blog topic. So please feel free to share. Don't forget to follow us on the instagram id- thetommorowpapers


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