Pegasus spyvirus: friend or foe?

As the world is fighting aganist the Corona virus, some internet users also reserved their seats to show that they are not going to lose to corona.The negative use of the Pegasus virus is taking a big troll on many famous people of the Indian democracy as well as journalists and even health officers. Let's dive deep to know about the Pegasus virus
How it works
Pegasus virus is quite easy to understand. The user sends a link to the target which leads the target to click on it or it also activates without any touch then hacks all the basic information like photos, recordings etc. It also works as a listening device which comes in very handy.
It was introduced by the Isreali spyware company , the NSO Group. They developed this virus so that the important terriorst information can be hacked.It was developed to fight terrorism on the internet level that was why it was provided to the government's of different democracy providing the a change to infiltrate through the plans of different terrorist groups.
First apperance
It was first appared in India in 2018, when people didn't have much knowledge about it. Though the concerning matter about this matter is that it was found the number hacked belonged to the famous politician of the Indian democracy Rahul Gandhi. He is the main opposition leader of the current ruling party of India. The matter took a vast turn when cases began to increase in number that included mainly the members of the opposition party of BJP.
Pegasus impact in India
The list began to grow as the virus spread into the phones of different prominent figures in Indian democracy. This included a vast list of people who were top ranking officiales in the Congress Party like Alanker Sawai and Sachin Rao, they were two the closest advisers to Rahul Gandhi. Other than that the list also included the party members. Though the junoir minister of the party and including one more member of the party BJP were also targeted by the virus. The matter becomes more serious more when the journalists were becoming the new target of the anonymous person who were doing these wrong deeds. Many journalists were made the target which at some time spoke aganist the Modi government in some way or other. The health officials were also made the target including an officer of the Election Commision which was incharge of the state elections in 2019. Rahul Gandhi including Shashi Tharoor who is a famous politics figure and a member of the parliament also a member of Congress party stated their dissapointment on the concerning matter and the misuse of the the power which the government have in hands. they hoped that the matter can be solved as fast as possible and the real culprit get caught.


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