Bad study habits you should quit

 As a student myself I can tell how we all love just to forget about the important assingenments until the last night of submission because we all love procastination. During my time in school I saw and analysed people and their study habits to help myself so that I can help myself how to get work done efficently and also understand what I did without forgetting it.

So here I am sharing some points that I think are really if you are serious about enjoying your study.

1. Aim and Study:  I have known some kids in my life that will study the whole subject point to point to understand a particular topic from different books and if you are one of them then quit it with a smile because it is not going to work. If you really want to understand something than find out where you should start from rather than reading five to six books to understand the same concept. 

It confuses your brain and the end results are nothing but failure. So, first find out which portion is the best to understand first and from which book, chose wisely. You can always pick up the basic books to understand the concept better. Finding the right books always helps.


2. Active study methods: Making notes of your own and rewriting them is well and good infact it is an        amazing practise to remember what you learned but revising the same thing might get boring and eventually you will give up on this practise of yours which is a big NO!

So, to keep in touch with your notes like you do with your video games (no, maybe you are glued to your video games) you have to update your notes time to time so that they will always catch your interest when you will look at them even for a second. This means that you will think about how you don't remember about this point and you will at least give that point ten seconds which is enough to remember. Try to find platform which can give you the important information about reqired topic.

3.Upgrade yourself: Try solving harder questions or try to draw a hard diagram with labelling without peeking. This might be hard but believe me it works. First day maybe you can hardly solve about four to five problems and maybe fail to even draw one-fourth of the diagram but remember you are atleast trying to improve yourself and working hard to take a step further and in my opinion that is what matters the most.

Little by little you will improve just remember not to give in to the temptaion to binge watch the new netflix series.

4. Get some space : Make space just for studying, that will act as a reminder that you have to study on that table or on that chair. This will just act like a reminder that will remind you that you have to study. Block all the background noises and lock that door of yours so your parents can't see you. Study in peace even if it only lasts for one hour as that one hour matters.

Source :Dribble

5. Always ask for help: Boldly ask for help without hesistating, asking for help doesn't make you small but infact it makes you a brave person. So shout for help and you will see how easy things get.

Just one thing more I want to add , Try to stick memes to your notes so that it will me studies more fun. Best of luck and remember to never give up.


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